Monday, 13 September 2010


I discovered chess fairly late in my life. While I have learnt how to move the pieces when I was six or seven years old, well over one decade had to pass until I made an effort to study the game in greater detail. A well-meaning friend of my father gave me an old chess manual as a kid, and needless to say, an utterly tediously written book such as the German Lehrbuch des Schachspiels by Dufresne managed to completely extinguish any enthusiasm I might have had.

At university, I made friends with some guys who played chess somewhat regularly and with some dedication. Having someone to talk me through some basic mechanics and recommending a couple of books did excite me, and I worked through Tarrasch's The Game of Chess as well as Reinfeld's The Complete Chess Player. In addition, I studied some classic games, basic tactical problems, and within a few months I was able to play at least not like a complete patzer. I played somewhat regularly online on FICS and also over the board.

After some practice, I began to see lines and corridors, where I saw nothing at all before, and the game opened up to me. Even the occasional surprising tactic was not beyond my reach. I am by no means a great player, but I enjoy the game, no matter whether I am playing against friends or solving the occasional puzzle.

I have recently decided to study chess more intensely. This blog is mostly a tool for me to record my progress, to document anything interesting that I discover, and to hold me accountable. It may grow into something else entirely, though.